The yellow, four-sided button on the dash controls the parking brakes on the truck or bus.

Applies and releases the truck or bus’ parking brakes and is found on the vehicle’s dash.

It is a yellow 4-sided button on the dashboard.

If your vehicle has a air brake equipped trailer attached, the tractor parking brake will also cause the trailer supply valve to apply when the truck parking brake is applied.

The trailer air supply valve has to be held in if the driver wants to apply the truck parking brakes independent of the trailer ie: in the case of completeing tug tests for the purpose of a road test.

If you forget how the button works you can always read what’s written on the button:

“Pull to Apply; Push to Release.”

Although somewhat cynical, reading doesn’t always work because the text wears off over time.

The air brake parking brake valve works the same as a centre console brake in your car - out to apply; and down to release.

The air brake parking brake valve works the same as a centre console brake in your car – out to apply; and down to release.

Another way to remember is:

The center console parking brake lever in a passenger car:

• Up to apply

• Down to release

You pull it up to apply the parking brake and push it down to release the parking brake – the truck parking brake works in a similar manner.

When the driver pushes the button in, it fills the truck’s rear spring brake chambers with air and thus cages the parking springs.

Consequently the parking brakes are released.

When the button is pulled out, the air in the spring brake chambers is released via the quick release valve and the spring expands and applies the parking brakes.