Fantastic Air Brakes & Defensive Driving Courses ensures safety!
These self-paced courses give you:
• more than 100 practice test questions with feedback;
• EASY step-by-step instructions on how to conduct a pre-trip inspection on an air brake system;
• DETAILED rules to use air brakes and brake downhill with a large vehicle safely;• step-by-step instructions and precise wording for pre-trip inspection of trailers with airbrakes;
• explained SIMPLY to you the tractor protection system and its components;
• specific skills and techniques to keep you safe so that you come home to your family at the end of your shift.
Thanks for actually explaining the terribly written booklet. I’m doing bus cert, and this stuff is very foreign to me.
Franklin Clinton
Thank you , You might save some lives with this video. At the very least it will save me a bad DOT inspection. I got my CDL in Ohio. We were only required to know the tolerances, not demonstrate it. My schooling ( Clark State) also didn’t teach it. The six pack thing wasn’t even taught ! I will use this knowledge from now on. Thanks again from a newbie.
Rosanna Sotomayor
Love your lessons Rick. Your voice keeps me interested in actually want to pay attention. Many other instructors on YouTube, after ten seconds I be pulling the plug. I just can’t! Haha!!! Thank you so much for your time and dedication.
Chris Johannsen
I took a 16 hour air brake course last weekend and barely learned anything, had trouble staying awake as the teacher spoke. But after watching your videos all day I took the air brakes knowledge test and passed with ease (22 out of 25). Best CDL videos on the web.
The course is 100% guaranteed. If you complete the course within 60 days and take your air brake test and don’t pass, I will refund your money.
Why should I buy this course when I can get the information for free on the internet?
Much of the information provided on the internet is unreliable.
Rick August, PhD has been a CDL driving instructor for more than twenty years (CLICK to see biography) . Also, he has been both a truck and bus driver. The information presented here to pass your CDL air brake test will put you on the road to being both a safe and “smart driver.”
Most of the information presented on the internet is from people that have read the driver’s manual and provided you with some questions and courses based on knowledge written by bureaucrats. The information presented in the “Pass Your CDL Air Brakes First Time…Guaranteed” is written from the perspective of someone who has:
1) Been a CDL Air Brake instructor for more than 20 years;
2) International driving experience (Canada, United States, UK, Europe, Australia);
Finally, Dr. August has more than ten years teaching experience. The information is presented in simple, easy to use format. This “straight to the point” style allows you to understand and incorporate the knowledge thus ensuring your success.
This method provides the easiest and most systematic way to both understand air brakes, pass your test, drive defensively, and reduce your stress while driving.
What information is covered in the course?
It is a complete course that guarantees that you will pass your road test first time and that you gain the skills to remain crash free.
Included are the following:
Glossary providing definitions for all the terms you’ll encounter in both air brakes and CDL training.
Lesson #1
The Basic Air Brake System
Lesson #2
Air Brake Pre-Trip Inspection
Lesson #3
Using Air Brakes & Stopping a Large Vehicle Safely
Lesson #4
Combination Vehicle Air Brakes (Trailers)
General Air Brake Quiz
Road Test Absolutes
All lessons have review questions with feedback.
More than 100 multiple choice questions with feedback.
In-Cab Air Brake Checks
Manual Slack Adjustment
Air Brake Pre-Trip Inspection Checklist
How to Adjust A Manual Slack Adjuster Checklist
List of Air Brake Valves
Air Brake Supplemental Information
Air Compressor
Build Up Test – Compressor
Air Brake Governor | Air Brake Smart
Bonus Material
General CDL Information Quiz
° Logbooks
° Interstating
° Hours of Service Regulations
° Bills of Lading
° Defensive Driving
° Hazard Perception…to list just a few of the topic tested.
Final Quiz with Certificate
Final Air Brake Quiz
Final Air Brake Quiz (Semi-Trailers Included)
Will this course work for my state or province?
All the test for the air brakes are the same throughout North America. Some of the numbers are slightly different, but the course provides a worksheet that will ensure that you have your numbers and tests in the correct order.
Air brakes are universal. For any air brake test, you are required to do a visual inspection of the air brake components on the outside of the vehicle, and test air brake adjustment using either the pry bar or the applied stroke method (mark & measure). The 5 in-cab checks are:
1) Governor (minimum & maximum settings)
2) Low-air warning
3) Application of emergency brakes
4) Compressor
5) Leak Test
A driving examiner is looking to see if you have a basic understanding of the air brake system, can check for adjustment, and conduct the in-cab checks. This course teaches you the fundamentals of the air brakes, its many failsafes, how to check brake adjustment, and conduct the in-cab checks in a simple, easy to understand format.
And because road signs are universal, there are minor differences between states and countries.
Will this course work if I’m already taking a CDL course?
° Most driving schools in North America are teaching a 40-year-old air brake course that is full of uneeded information
° Most air brake instructors confuse students by assuming they know about brakes and use complicated language to explain the topic
° Air brake boards and schematics further confuse students because you believe you must understand how to put the board together – YOU DON’T
° Many of the courses still teach such things as wig-wags, manual slack adjusters, and manual front wheel limiting valves as if these still exist – these components went the way of the dodo bird and the unicorn!
Whether you live in an area that gets snow, or planning on travelling to somewhere you'll need to drive in icy conditions, this course will cover it all!
Defensive Driving Smart Course
No one wants to deal with insurance, or worse, impact someone else's life. Learn the best skills and techniques to drive the smartest and safest you can.
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