Learn the fundamentals of managing space around your vehicle to pass a road test, regardless of class – watch the video.
How to Manage Space Around Vehicle to Pass a Road Test
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Hi there Smart Drivers.
Rick, with Smart Drive Test, talking to you today about: Space management.
This the is video #17 in the VEDA, Video Every Day (in) April, series.
Stick around, we’ll be right back with that information.
Hi there Smart Drivers, welcome back, talking to you today about: Space Management, one of the four vital components in passing a road test, regardless of class, regardless of where you are in the world.
The four components of a road test are:
1) Speed Management;
2) Space Management;
3) Observation;
4) Communication.
And we’re talking to you today about Space Management.
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Social Driving
Space management, like speed management – everything in social driving tells you that you need to be closer to other vehicles, other fixed objects, and other road users, than what you should be for the purposes of a driver’s test.
If you follow the example of all other drivers on the roadway, you are not going to be successful on a driver’s test.
Where to Stop In Traffic
First thing you need to do when you stop behind other traffic, at traffic lights and intersections, you need to be able to see the tires, of the vehicle in front of you, making clear contact with the pavement.
That leaves about one vehicle length between you and the vehicle in front of you.
And that is an absolute for a driver’s test, that you have to have that space between you and other vehicles.
Stopping at Intersections
When you stop at intersections you either need to stop:
1) at the stop line;
2) before the crosswalk line;
3) if there’s no crosswalk line, the side walk, or you have to stop at the edge of where the two roads meet, if it’s at a controlled intersection.
So, that’s where you need to stop.
Following Distance Under Ideal Driving Conditions
And then finally, the other component of space management is your following distance has to be 2 to 3 seconds, in a passenger vehicle, if you get into bigger vehicles it needs to be more than that.
Now, how you determine 2 to 3 seconds in a passenger vehicle is your following the vehicle in front, the vehicle in front goes past a fixed object, when that vehicle goes past a fixed object you start counting:
“One watermelon,” “two watermelon”, “three watermelon.”
When you get to two watermelons, you should be going past that fixed object, that means that you are following at a two second following distance.
And the reason that we measure in time, is because time is relative, and the faster you go, the greater that distance increases, and thus the reason for measuring following distance in time.
I’m Rick, with Smart Drive Test.
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Good luck on your driver’s test.
And remember: Pick the best answer, not necessarily the right answer.
Have a great day! Bye now.