Pass SGI Air Brakes (A endorsement)Test in Saskatchewan with these multiple choice practice questions that give you feedback. Guaranteed to pass!

Don’t delay your road test because you can’t pass the the Air Brake Theory Test

➫ Air brakes is the hardest course you’ve ever taken, and it’s frustrating that it’s so hard;

➫ You’re afraid of failing because that will postpone your road test;

➫ And you know that it would be super embarrasing to go back to your family, your friends, and especially your driving instructor and tell him you didn’t pass the test;

➫ And then you have to deal with the staff to get your road test date moved;

➫ Worst of all, it’s going to delay you starting work because you’ve accumulated so much debt with this whole training and changing career.

You never thought that air brakes would be so hard!

Practice Tests for the SGI Air Brakes (A Endorsement) Driver’s Test in Saskatchewan, Canada.

This self-paced course allows you to:

  • get all the answers you need to pass the dumb theory test;
  • you’ll learn the skills to do multiple choice questions so you can pass the test;
  • the test has a lot of technical terms and these are explained in easy to understand language;
  • not only do you get to practice the exact questions that will be on the SGI test, we’ll give you feedback for each question so also understand;
  • includes downhill braking signs that could save your life when operating in the mountains – this part is NOT dumb;
  • checklists for completing both the in-cab air brake inspections and adjustment of the manual slack adjusters.

The difference between passing and failing is a little bit more; these test questions are that little bit more.


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In passing the air brake test, you CDL road test won't be delayed, and you can get on the road to making money sooner.


Dan Ryder

This combined with my Manitoba manual provides much needed clarity, good to know how reliable air brake systems are!

Bolivitas Corp

Dam………Mr Rick, you should be teaching Chemistry. You definitely find the easy and simply way to teach!
Thank you again!

Chris McNally

Excellent presentation, complete and concise instructions and information.

 Getting your air brakes endorsement will help you to get on the road in a bus, in a big truck, or in your new RV unit.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is the DUMB Test so hard?

Unfortunately, the air brake course is 40-years-old.

And a lot of the information that’s taught is not even on a modern air brake system.

For example, it’s unlikely that you’ll encounter:

  • manual slack adjusters;
  • wedge brakes;
  • manual front wheel limiting valves;
  • evaporators,
  • and even wet tanks are going the way of the do-do bird.

But these items are all taught in air brake courses.

And the dumb language is enough to send a sane person crazy:

  • service brakes;
  • spring brakes;
  • parking brakes;
  • emergency brakes
  • treadle valve;
  • foot valve;
  • to name a few.

And some of those terms mean the same thing.

With these practice test questions we give you the straight and simple.

Each one of the questions has feedback and explains the purpose of the system, component or valve in simple, easy to understand language.

 For the air brake test question, we'll quiz you primarily on the "S" cam foundation brake because this is tested most.

Why should I buy this course when I can get the information for free on the internet?

Much of the information provided on the internet is not reliable.

Rick August has been a CDL air brake instructor for more than twenty years.

He has written the E-book Air Brakes Explained Simply.

Also, he has been both a truck and bus driver.

The information presented here to pass your air brakje test is the absolute information that will guarantee that you pass your knowledge test first time and make you a safer, smarter driver.

Most of the information presented on the internet is people that have read the driver’s manual and provided you with some questions and courses based on knowledge written by bureaucrats.

The information presented in these practice driving test questions has helped 1,000s of students pass their air brake endorsement.

The practice test questions, in combination with the videos, provide an excellent learning tool.

All feedback is simple, straightforward, and easy to understand.

The trailer hand valve will NOT be found on single unit trucks and RV units. We explain why here.

What information is covered in the course?

It is a complete course that guarantees that you will pass your air brake’s theory test first time.

Included are the following:

5 practice tests with 25 questions; all questions have feedback and suggested videos.


In-Cab Air Brake Checks infograph

Manual Slack Adjustment Checklist

List of Brake Valves

Final Quiz with Certificate

The yellow parking brake applies the truck parking brakes.

Can I ask questions?


Included in your purchase of the course is complete access to Rick August, PhD. You can email questions to: [email protected]

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