Don’t let a minor defect STOP your driver’s test – watch the video.

Introduction – Pre-trip Inspection

Hi there smart drivers, Rick, with Smart Drive Test talking to you today about a pre-trip inspection for the purposes of a road test.

Before you go down for your driver’s test, I would highly, highly recommend that you do a pre-trip inspection on your vehicle before you head down for your road test. If you’re going with a driving school, make sure you ask the driving instructor, if in fact he or she did do a pre-trip inspection.

Now, a couple of things that you should have with you before you head down for the on-road driver’s test:

  • Money, you need money.
    The road test isn’t free, doesn’t matter where you are in the world, all of these licensing agencies charge a fee for you to take your driver’s test. So make sure you have money.
  • Two pieces of identification.
    Oftentimes what I tell students is to take a third piece as well. That way if one of them is not accepted, you’ve got a backup for that as well, and then finally don’t forget your license.
  • Glasses.
    If you have the condition on your license that you have to wear glasses for the purposes of driving, make sure you have your glasses or your contacts in. Because if you don’t have those with you and that’s a condition on your license, they won’t let you take your road test.

This is just an extra thing, have an extra key for your vehicle or remote starter, that way if you lock it in the vehicle or whatnot, you’re still going to be able to get in the vehicle for the purposes of the road test.

You just need fail-safes in place in case something happens.

So essentially, the pre-trip inspection, start at the hood, just check the oil, you really don’t want the motor to blow up because you haven’t checked the oil, changed the oil in sometime.

So check the oil before you go down, if it’s wintertime, as it is now, you’re going to have spray off the roads going to be dirty.

You’re going to need to be able to clean the windshield, so make sure you got your windshield washer fluid topped up.

We’re going to show you how to do that under the hood.

Go around the vehicle and make sure there isn’t any body damage, no new body damage.

When starting your pre-trip inspection for your driver's license road test, start the vehicle and turn on your low beams and right signal.

When starting your pre-trip inspection for your driver’s license road test, start the vehicle and turn on your low beams and right signal.

Make sure your license plates are in place, all the decals in place and all the lights are working, and as you can see here in the wintertime, make sure you have the vehicle completely cleaned off of the glass, and the light’s inside the vehicle. Make sure everything works, the instrument panel, all the blinkers and lights.
The seatbelts and the seats are secure and make sure it’s clean, because if you got fast food packages up to the knees in the foot wells, they’re not going to go for a on-road driver’s test with you.
And as well, one of the things I’ve mentioned in other videos, make sure both plates are on, because if you borrow your uncle’s car from a different jurisdiction that doesn’t require plate on the front, and you’re taking your license in a jurisdiction that does require plate, they won’t take you out for that either, and unfortunately that’s kind of a sad event if that happens. So make sure you’ve got all the plates and decals.
Make sure you have the insurance papers, as well, in the unfortunate event that something happens on your road test and you are involved in an incident, that you have all that paperwork as well.
Yes, you’re excited, but make sure you do pre-trip inspection, because you don’t want to be denied your driver’s test, because of a minor defect on the vehicle. So to do the pre-trip inspection, start under the hood, around the vehicle, check all the lights.

In the vehicle, check everything in the vehicle that it’s working, and then the last check, is to check the foot pedal, the brake pedal and check the parking brake, to make sure that those two things are working.

So let’s get started under the hood.

On road test day, do a pre-trip inspection of your vehicle. Start your pre-trip inspection under the hood by checking the oil.

Under the Hood

Now not too much to check under the hood, as I said, make sure that you have windshield washer fluid. Check your windshield washer fluid on this vehicle, it has a dipstick, and I can see, that when I pull this out, that I have more than half a jug in here. Now I would just fill that up, because I’m under the hood anyway and would fill up my windshield washer fluid.

I’d just make sure that there aren’t any hoses or lines that are cracked or broken, there isn’t anything that appears to be out of place. I don’t have any fluids or liquids pooling anywhere, and make sure that the radiator overflow tank is full.

And just pull the dipstick out, and check that the dipstick has oil on it. You can see, that here in the camera on the video, that it is in fact full, and that’s basically it under the hood.

You just want to check and make sure everything is good, you got oil in it, and you got windshield washer fluid. That is under the hood and then we just simply close the hood and make sure that it is latched.

So after finishing under the hood, you go into the vehicle and start the vehicle, turn your lights on, low beams on with your left signal on.

Outside the Vehicle

So we’re going to do that and then we’re going to check the outside of the vehicle. Go into the vehicle, and for manual transmissions, and automatic transmissions as well, you’re going to have to go into the vehicle on a manual.

You have to push the clutch in, turn the key to the on position.

On an automatic, to get it start, you’re going to have to put your foot on the brake pedal. We fire the engine up, after the lights go out, turn it on.

Make sure if you’re driving a manual, it’s in neutral with the parking brake on.

If you’re driving an automatic, in park with the parking brake on.

Turn your lights on with your left signal on.

After, we get out of the vehicle, shut the door and essentially your sequencing for your pre-trip, is top to bottom left to right, so top, no damage to the top.

Front of the Vehicle – the glass is not chipped, cracked or broken. No damage to the hood, the lights are working, the parking light on the right is working, the signal light is working.

The license plate is in place, not damaged, and the deckle on this vehicle, is on the back.

No damage to the bumper, nothing hanging down, nothing leaking on the side of the vehicle.

Driver’s Side of the Vehicle

We look at the side of the vehicle, starting at the top the glass, is not chipped cracked or broken.

The glass is not damaged, the mirrors in good condition.

There’s no damage, no new damage to the body.

The tires are inflated, give em a kick.

Mud flap is in place.

Nothing hanging down, nothing leaking underneath the vehicle.

Rear of the Vehicle

The rear tire, give it a kick.

The light is working, the fuel cap is good and in good place.

Ok and the door opens and closes from the outside, the roof rack is secured.

The light on the rear of the vehicle, the signal is working, the parking light is on.

There’s no damage to the top of the vehicle, the glass is not chipped cracked or damaged.

Spare tire, that it has air in it, you can just give it a whack.

License plate light is working, license plate with a valid deckle.

There’s no damage to the body, the bumper is in good condition and the trailer hitch is secure, and  the exhaust, just tap it with your toe, the exhaust is secure as well.


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Passenger’s Side of Vehicle

Passenger side of the vehicle, parking light, top, no damage to the top of the vehicle.

The glass is not chipped cracked or broken, the light is working, the mud flap is good, tire is good.

No damage to the body, the mirror is not broken or chipped the mirrors not broken chipped or damaged, the mud flap is good, no damage, and as we mentioned before the parking light is working.

So now what we do, is we go back in the vehicle, switch to high beams and put on the other signal, and come back out and just do a quick walk around.

Alright so the high beams are working, the left signal is working and the park light is working.

This reflector is in place and not damaged. Again we just do a quick check from far away. No damage, nothing hanging down underneath the vehicle, nothing leaking.

So we come around to the rear of the vehicle, the park light is working, the signal light is working and we check the license plate light once before so it’s working.

The passenger side of the vehicle, we come up the passenger side of the vehicle, signals working, the light is working, again quick look on this side of the vehicle, no damage, we look underneath, there’s nothing hanging down, nothing dragging, we already checked the tires.

Quarter fender and the light and the reflector on the front of the vehicle are all working. Once you finish all of that, then you go inside the vehicle, and we’re going to do the in-vehicle check, for the purposes of going for your pre-trip inspection.

Reason for Checking Outside Vehicle

The reason we do all outside and do the lights is because if none of the lights are working, then the examiner will not take you on your road test. It is policy at most licensing centers that if there’s something wrong with the vehicle, that it is not roadworthy.

They will not take you for road test and unfortunately at many licensing centers.

I’ve seen students that have been denied a road test because something had been wrong with the vehicle.

So make sure you do a pre-trip inspection, that way you’re not going to be denied going out for your on-road driver’s test. You want to ensure success, and the last thing you wanted something to happen with the vehicle.

The day before your road test, do a pre-trip inspection on the vehicle to ensure all the lights are working, the insurance and registration are valid, and the passenger seat belt works..

At the back of the vehicle, ensure that the brake, reverse, signal, and reverse lights all work.

Brake Lights

So outside, the last thing you do, is check the brake lights.

So I have a stick, for, to put the brakes on to apply the brake pedal, you just have somebody else’s just can put the brakes on real quick for you, that you can check the brake lights to make sure that the brake lights work.

And as you can see all three brake lights are working on the back of the vehicle, and make sure your brake lights are working, because the examiner will do, as part of his or her mini pre-trip inspection, to make sure that the brake lights are in fact working.

So check your brake lights. Now, what we’re going to do, is we’re going to go in the vehicle and do the checks inside, to make sure everything’s good in the vehicle.

Inside the Vehicle

Inside the vehicle, make sure it’s clean of all rubbish. If there’s any fast food containers in the foot-wells and those types of things, take them out.

As well, I would suggest that you get your vacuum out or take it down to the local car wash and vacuum it out and wipe the dash down to make sure it’s nice and clean, because just you know, you don’t get a second chance to make a first impression.

Then after all that ensuring that the vehicle is clean and whatnot. Make sure that you have the paperwork for the vehicle registration insurance and that is valid and current.

 No Recording Devices In the Vehicle For the Purposes of a Driver’s Test.

For the purposes of your road test, this vehicle, I have a dash-cam in here. Make sure you take your dash-cams out in any other recording devices. You’re not allowed to have any recording devices, for the purposes of a road test, so take all those out.

The other thing I’ll stress again, about the outside of the vehicle, make sure that your license plates are there and in place, and if you need one on the front, make sure you have one on the front and you have a valid decal, because that will preclude you from going on a road test.

At the Centre

Nothing happens until they see the paperwork. As well if you show up with a vehicle that doesn’t have the proper licensing.

So you come inside the vehicle, check that the seat is secure. This seat is secure, both seatbelts work and buckle and make sure you actually buckle them.

Don’t just think, oh they’re going to work because you don’t want to get down there and the seat belt doesn’t buckle or something doesn’t work.

Ok, seat-belt buckles, both doors open and close from the inside.

You want to be able to get the examiner out, because the examiner doesn’t want to climb over to get out of the vehicle. They will not do that, so make sure the doors work.

Start at the top, both visors are working , because its glare Sun on your road test, you’re going to need your visor, so make sure your visors working.

The glass is not chipped, cracked or broken.

Turn the key to the on position, windshield wipers work and squirt okay, you had a puddle or something and you get a big splash up on the windshield, going to be able to clean the windshield, so make sure that the wipers work.

As well, assure that the horns work, they’re going to do that on their little mini pre-trip.

They’re going to get you to make sure the horn works.

Nothing on the dash.

We turn the key to the on position, the lights come on and go off on the dash, high-beam indicator goes on and off, right signal, left signal, both those indicators work.

On road test day, bring your license and 2 other pieces of government issued identification. Also, bring eye- or sun-glasses if required.

Inside the vehicle, ensure that the seat belts work, the windows go up and down, and you know how to work the heater controls.

Ok, we have the key to the on position, my window goes down and up, my mirrors are adjusted for me for driving on both sides.

This mirror, as well, is adjusted for me and for driving, and I have key to the on position, as well, make sure that your defrost control’s work, because if you’re going in the wintertime or in the fall or some other time you may need the defrost to clear the windows.

So make sure that that is working. If it’s in the summertime, obviously cooking hot, you want to make sure that the air conditioning is working, because remember, you want to keep the examiner comfy.

Do all those pre-trips inside.

We’ve checked the horn, the steering wheel works, seats are secure, the vehicle is clean, there’s no clutter, there isn’t anything that’s going to roll around under our feet. All of the recording devices are out of the vehicle and there’s nothing in the back that’s going to roll around and hit us.

If you are driving a car, as well, the same as the dash – make sure that there isn’t anything on the rear window ledge that could potentially fly out. If you’re unfortunate enough to be involved in a collision, the examiner doesn’t want to get hit in the back of the head by a tissue box or something else that’s on that ledge, so make sure you take that off.

Make sure that there aren’t any obstructions to any of the glass inside of the vehicle. As well make sure that the headrest are adjusted and the headrest. The top of the head rest should be at minimum with the top of your ears, and you should be sitting comfortably 25 centimeters.

I’ll leave a card up here, on the video, in the corner for you, for adjusting the controls of the vehicle.

No drinks or food, on your driver’s test. That’s essentially what you need to check inside of the vehicle.

As well make sure that you have adequate fuel for the trip, don’t run out of fuel on your driver’s test.

That would be very embarrassing and I’m pretty sure the driving examiner’s will not push you back to the licensing center, so make sure you got ample fuel, if you’re taking your own vehicle, if you’re not in a driving school vehicle.

So that’s essentially inside of the vehicle and what I’ll do, is I’ll leave a check list over at my website, and you can find a link down in the description box , and you can head over there and get a checklist for the items that you need, to inspect the purposes of the pre-trip inspections.

And the last thing that you need to do, before you go to the road test centre, is you need to do a test on the service brake, which is essentially, you need to make sure that the brakes brings the vehicle to a stop and releases, and as well, you need to check the parking brake.

Checking Brakes

So we’re going to do those two things and then you’ll be finished the pre-trip inspection.

Testing the parking brake, so we turn the key to the on position, you don’t need your seatbelt on for this, because the vehicle is not going to move.

So we have the clutch in, on a manual transmission.

On an automatic transmission you got to put your foot on the brake pedal, turn the key to the on position, wait for the lights to go out, start the vehicle, parking brake is on, into a forward gear.

If you’re driving an automatic, into drive, hands on the steering wheel in case the parking brake doesn’t hold the vehicle.

Out with the clutch, just try and move the vehicle forward, it doesn’t move, same thing with an automatic just put it into drive, get a little bit of throttle and see if it moves forward.

Parking Brake

The parking brake should hold the vehicle in place, so we just you can see that the vehicle just sets down.

That means the parking brake is in fact working, we put our hands on the steering wheel, had some difficulty with that put your hands on the steering wheel, in case the parking brake doesn’t hold.

So for the purposes of your road test, parking brake has to work and hold the vehicle especially if you’re driving a manual transmission, and for those of you in Europe, who use the hand brake as part and partial of driving a manual transmission, you’re definitely going to need to know that you’re parking brake works.

So check the parking brake and that’s how you do it.

Service Brakes…Yes, the Brake Pedal

So to test the foot pedal, you just drive forward by the brakes, brakes bring the vehicle to a stop and you move forward and the brakes release, and that’s all there is to testing the parking brake and testing the foot pedal, and the vehicle has passed the pre-trip inspection.

Now you’re ready for your on-road driver’s test.

On the front and rear, ensure that the license plate is secure. Inside, check that you have the registration and insurance documents for the vehicle.

On the front and rear, ensure that the license plate is secure. Inside, check that you have the registration and insurance documents for the vehicle.


Quick review of pre-trip inspection for the purposes of a road test.

Check under the hood, check the oil, check the windshield washer fluid, make sure there aren’t any pools of fluids, no apparent damage and that the radiator is full. Close the hood, come in the vehicle, start it up, secure the vehicle by putting it in neutral.

If it’s a manual, with the parking brake on.

If it’s automatic, you park with the parking brake on.

Turn on the headlights and your left signal, make sure all the warning lights on the dash had gone out.

Go out and check the headlights and start at the top and work down, make sure there’s no body damage, the glasses and cracked chipped or broken because of you cracked chipped or broken on your windshield, they’re not gonna let you go for a road test.

As well make sure the plates are in place and secure and with the proper decals.

Make sure the left signal is working, no body damage, no cracks breaks or chips in the glass, and the tires are properly inflated.

Make sure the spare tire is inflated too, because you might get a flat on your road test, not likely, but a possibility.

Go around the vehicle and make sure all the lights are working.

Cleaning your vehicle prior to road test day is a must. Think of it like inviting someone new into your home. It significantly increases the odds of you passing your road test.

Cleaning your vehicle prior to road test day is a must. Think of it like inviting someone new into your home. It significantly increases the odds of you passing your road test.

Come back in the vehicle, turn your high beams on with your right signal, around the vehicle again, make sure all the lights are working and that the right signal is working on the vehicle.

As well make sure your high beams are working and again do another scan of for body damage.

The last check outside to check the brake lights, and you’re probably going to need stick to apply the brakes, or get somebody else to do it.

Make sure the brake lights are working, because you’re going to do that at the licensing center, before they take you out for a road test. Then come in the vehicle, you can take off your gloves or what else you have, if you do in fact, have gloves.

Check that everything is working inside the vehicle.

If you have a dash cam or any other recording device in the vehicle you have to take them out because you can’t take them for a road test.

Start at the top the visors, the glass nothing’s chipped, cracked or broken.

There isn’t any debris on either the front dash or the window at the back of the vehicle.

If there’s anything that’s insecure, in the vehicle, make sure it’s clean.

Especially the passenger side where the examiners going to sit.

Make sure that all the warning lights in fact have gone out.

Check left right signals, check the high beam indicator, check that your windshield washer fluid works with the windshield wipers, those work.

Make sure the defrost works.

Make sure you have the paperwork for the vehicle, license, the registration, and your own license, because you can’t go for a road test if you don’t have a license right.

Ensure that the doors work and the seats are secure in side of the vehicle.

Check all of those things, and make sure that the parking brakes work and whatnot.

Make sure that the doors open and close from the inside and finally, the last check that you’re going to do for the purposes of a road test, is to ensure that the parking brake holds the vehicle when you apply it, and that the service brakes at response.

So in other words, the brakes the vehicle to stop and they release.

That’s the last part of your pre-trip inspection for the purposes of a road test, and I will leave the checklist for you over at my website that you can get, and that way you can go through that checklist and make sure that everything’s working on your vehicle before you show up for a road test.

Thanks very much for reading and watching.  If you like what you see here, share, subscribe, leave a comment down in the comment section.

Check out the videos here on the channel if you’re working towards license or starting a career, as a truck or bus driver – lots of great information here and over my website, and over there.

Leave a comment down in the comment section there, all of that help’s out the new drivers going for a license.

Lots of great information and online courses that you can purchase.

Stick around to the end of the video, funny bits, and links to the other videos, and to my website.

Thanks again for watching, good luck on your road test.

And remember, pick the best answer, not necessarily the right answer.

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