Learn how to turn at complex intersections with a large vehicle and to pass your road test – watch the video.

Overhead Lane Signs to Pass Road Test & Turn with a Large Vehicle


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Hi there Smart Drivers.

Rick, with Smart Drive Test, talking to you today about: The lane marking signs.

This is video #14 in the VEDA, Video Every Day (in) April, series.

Stick around, we’ll be right back with that information.


Hi there Smart Drivers, welcome back, talking to you today about: Lane marking signs, these are overhead the lanes, and tell you the lane use.

For example: The ones behind me tell you that there are two left-hand turning lanes.

And it’s important to pay attention to these, both on a road test, and when you’re driving larger vehicles.

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Strike a Fixed Object

Now, some years ago when I started driving truck, and my first job driving solo, I got off an interstate in Illinois, and there were three lanes exiting the interstate, and going off on to the state road.

Unfortunately, I didn’t pay attention to the overhead lane marking signs, and I was turning left, and I ended up in the inside left turning lane.

When turning on muti-turn lanes, a large vehicle or those towing a trailer must always be in the outside lane to compensate for off-tracking.

Well, when I got around the corner, there was a huge light standard, on the end of the median, that divided the two lanes of traffic, and I got the trailer jammed up in there.

Fortunately, I was paying attention to what I was doing, and didn’t pull the trailer up over the light standard.

But, it was embarrassing, because I had to back the truck up in the intersection, and the light had turned by that point, and there all other cars honking, and, you know, making a ruckus, because, you know, here I am with a big vehicle, blocking the intersection.

Multiple Turning Lanes – Be in the outside with a trailer or large vehicle

So know that on a large vehicle, making a left-hand turn, you need to be in the outside turning lane.

It’s the same for driving big vehicles on right-hand turning lanes, as well.

You need to be in the outside turning lane to get that vehicle around, because oftentimes there’s that light standard, right in the middle of the road, when you get around the corner, and you’re going to get jammed up against that, and could potentially strike it.

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On a Driver’s test….

Now, if you’re on a road test, know that for left-hand turning lanes, you want to be in the right turning lane, the outside turning lane for left-hand turning lanes, that way when you get around the corner, you’re already going to be in the right lane, which you need to be in for traveling, for the most part of your road test.

Correct Turning Lane to Prevent Changing Lanes

Now, if you’re turning right, and there’s two right-hand turning lanes, you want to be in the inside turning lane.

That way when you get around the corner you’re going to be in the right lane, for the purposes of traveling up and down the road, for the purposes of your driver’s test.

On a road test and turning on multiple turn lanes, pick the outside for left turns, and inside for right turns so you don't have to change lanes after the turn.

That way, when you get around the corner, you don’t have to change lanes.

Road Markings Unreliable

So, overhead lane marking signs are important at this time of year, because most of the road markings have been obliterated by the snow, and the winter, and the sand, and the plowing, and those types of things, so they’re not there, so be sure to have a look at these overhead signs.

I would actually posit that they’re probably the most ignored signs on our roadways, most people just follow the traffic around the corner.

So, pay attention to these, and drive safe, get your large vehicle around the corner, and get around the corner correctly, when you’re working towards your road test, and being successful on that.

This lane usage sign indicates that left turning vehicles will be proceeding on both sides of the intersection at the same time.


I’m Rick, with Smart Drive Test.

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Good luck on your road test.

And remember: Pick the best answer, not necessarily the right answer. Have a great day!