Turning is a required skill to pass a dirver’s test.
How to Turn Left and Right to Pass A Road Test
Hi there smart drivers, Rick with Smart Drive Test talking to you today about how to do left and right-hand turns at uncontrolled intersections.
I had a comment from Demonic Nacho Man 3–great handle by the way–about how fast to go around uncontrolled intersections.
Uncontrolled intersections are intersections that don’t have signs or lights to control whether you stop or not.
So you just go around the corner.
This is going to vary a little bit, but for the most part, the general rule for left-hand turns is 20 kilometers an hour or 15 miles per hours or less.
And on right-hand turns – it’s 12 kilometers an hour or 10 miles an hour.
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Those are general rules – now obviously that’s going to change a little bit depending on the configuration of the corner.
If you have a sharp right squared-off corner, obviously you’re going to go a little bit slower than that.
If you’re on a slip lane doing a right-hand turn, you can go a bit quicker…probably up 20 kilometers an hour or 15 miles an hour, even up to 20 miles an hour depending on how big the slip land is and the curvature of that slip lane.
So it’s going to vary a little bit, but that general rule for speeds will help you out.
So what we’re going to do today – I’m gonna hook up the cameras for you & go for a drive and show you the procedure of going around uncontrolled intersections.
And I tried to get the camera to show the speedometer, but I don’t think you can see it, so what I’ll do is shout out how fast I’m going before I proceed around the corner.
We’ll be right back with that information.
I’m approaching a right-hand turn – approximately half a block from the right-hand turn we’re going to slow down – signal, mirror, shoulder check.
And shoulder check right immediately before the turn.
This is an uncontrolled intersection, so I’m slowing down and I’m doing approximately 15 kilometers an hour.
Now everything in the video will be in kilometers because the vehicle’s in kilometers and it’s just easier because I’m in Canada.
And again another right-hand turn.
Mirror, signal, shoulder check.
Slowing down and again shoulder checking and I’m at 12 kilometers an hour.
Now we’re going to come up to a cul-de-sac here and I’m just going to turn around and go back the way we came, because unfortunately that didn’t work out for where I wanted to go.
But I’ll show you the cul-de-sac here – shoulder check…keep looking to the right as I’m coming around.
But this is going to workout because we’re doing another left hand turn.
A little bit of brake because we’re going down hill.
Shoulder checking, mirror, signaling…shoulder check.
And this one here because it’s a bit sharp, I was doing 15 kilometers an hour around that corner and I’m in a residential area.
So I’m not going very fast.
If I was in the States, the speed limit is 30 miles an hour – in Canada, 50 kilometers an hour.
At a STOP Signed Intersection
Stopping at the stop line, before the sidewalk.
I can’t see, so I’m going to move up and treat it as a yield.
And I can go, and shoulder checking again immediately before I turn.
Mirror, signal, shoulder check.
This is a controlled intersection.
Stop before the stop line.
And I’m doing 15 kilometers an hour around right hand turns.
So it’s 15 kilometers an hour or less and then of course depending on the configuration of the intersection you can go a little bit quicker.
So long as you have control.
Learning How to Turn
For those new learners that are learning how to turn, 15 kilometers an hour for right-hand turns is a good speed and then 20 kilometers an hour or more for left-hand turns.
Again, a right-hand turn – 15 kilometers an hour.
Shoulder check right before you make the turn, and again, mirror, signal, shoulder check on the left here.
Shoulder check immediately before the turn and we’re at exactly 20 kilometers an hour for the left-hand turn which is going to be 15 miles per hour in the States.
And right – mirror, signal, shoulder check and then shoulder check immediately before and again we’re at 15 kilometers an hour for the right-hand turn.
But we don’t have to come to a stop
In conclusion – half a block from the turn, mirror, signal, shoulder check.
Right-hand turns are 10 to 12 kilometers an hour; eight to 10 miles per hour in the State’s.
Left-hand turns are 20 kilometers an hour ;12 to 15 miles per hour in the States.
Those are good speeds.
These are general rules.
As I said in the introduction, the configuration of the intersection–whether it’s squared off–you may have to go a little bit slower.
Some of the intersections you could go a little bit faster if it’s a bigger intersection and the curvature isn’t as sharp as it is on a squared-off intersection.
Or if you’re in a slip lane you could go a little bit quicker.
Practice turns – use those as general rules and again learning how to drive is challenging and turns are challenging.
But turns and forward motion of the vehicle are going to make up most of your road test.
Seven-eighths of your road test is going to be in a forward motion.
Now just as an aside, one of the things that will improve your overall driving is to go out to a parking lot– someplace that doesn’t have any traffic– and practice slow speed maneuvers: reverse parallel parking, backing up, reverse figure eight’s, forward figure-eight, stall parking–those types of things.
Anything with slow speed maneuvers is going to help you to get comfortable with the primary controls of the vehicle.
And that will have an overall influence on all of your driving.
So if you’re having trouble with your turning, go to a parking lot practice with the primary controls and then go out and start driving on a road with traffic and whatnot.
Thanks very much for watching.
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Question for my smart drivers:
What helped you to become competent with your turns?
Leave a comment down in the comment section.
All that helps out everyone who’s learning to drive.
I’m Rick with Smart Drive Test.
Thanks very much for watching.
Good luck on your road test and remember: pick the best answer, not necessarily the right answer.
Have a great day.
Bye now!