Do you know your different STOP signs?
Closed Caption
Introduction – Handle Stop Signs
– Two-way, four-way, all way, STOP sign intersections.
What that flipping heck is the difference?
Today we’re going to give you information to both pass your driver’s test and be a safer smarter driver.
Stick around, we’ll be right back with that information.

So the first one we’re going to start off with is a three-way stop, which simply means that it’s a “T” intersection and every point of entry to the intersection at the “T” has to come to a stop before proceeding through the intersection.
The same rules apply as a four-way STOP sign intersection the rules in a three-way anything above a two-way, three-way, four-way, all way, they’re all going to be the same rules.
Pedestrians, first person to arrive, person on the right straight through traffic, overturning traffic and right turning traffic over left turning traffic.
Two-way intersections are different than four-way or all way intersections.
Three-way intersections, this is where we just came through.
So we’re going to pass the school.

In school zone signs, we slowed down to 20 miles per hour (30 kilometers) an hour 20 miles an hour, whatever the posted speed limit is.
There’s no bicycle lane here.
So because there’s a stop sign, two-way STOP sign intersection, I positioned my vehicle to the right.
There’s a crosswalk here.
I’m not going to pull into the crosswalk for the purposes of the driver’s test.
There’s a vehicle coming.

The vehicle is going slow because they’re in a school zone but I’m going to wait for them for the purposes of being safe and both preparing for my driver’s test.
Now I can see clearly, shoulder check and I proceed and get up to speed as quickly as possible which is 20 miles per hour (30 kilometers) an hour which is exactly what I’m doing right now.
Now in some places they’re not going to have any schools zone signs for the speed zone right here but you can see the pentagon sign there which the school sign.
And I know it’s the end of the school zone.
So that’s when I can resume speed to 50 kilometers an hour (30mph) which is the speed limit inside the city here in the province of British Columbia.
As well I’ll put a link to frequently asked questions and you’ll be able to figure out what the speed limit is inside the city or out on the highway where you live in the state or province.

Two-way intersections, major road over minor road that’s why you’re at a two-way STOP sign and not a four-way stop sign.
And then the other rules applied.
Straight through traffic, overturning traffic and right turning traffic over left turning traffic.
And a lot of people are confused by that and think that the left turning traffic is going to go first if they arrive first, that is not true for two-way STOP sign intersections all the way four-way STOP sign intersection stopping at the correct stopping position.
No pedestrians, no other traffic.
After a complete stop, we proceed through the intersection and have a look up in the corner there, I’ll put a video up for you on the complete stop and making sure that your vehicle is stopped completely at a STOP sign intersection.
For the purposes of your driver’s test, two hands on the steering wheel, looking far down the road, checking the intersection.

We’re coming up to a four-way STOP sign intersection.
You can see that this one is in fact new.
They’re already cars at the intersection.
I come to a complete stop behind the stop line, this vehicle proceeds and then that vehicle is turning and I’m proceeding straight.
Checking to make sure everyone else is staying where they’re supposed to be staying at the four-way STOP signed intersection as I proceed through the intersection.
And I’ll put a card up in the corner for you as well on the complete video on four-way STOP signed intersections so you know how to handle those correctly.
You’re most likely to find two-way stop signed intersections in residential areas.

There’s going to be a major thoroughfare through the residential area.
And then all the minor roads are going to have stop signs at them when they meet at the major road, the major thoroughfare.
For example, here, this road right and the left is the major thoroughfare and I’m on a minor road so therefore I’m facing a control, the other vehicles are proceeding.
And if you can’t see, stop at the correct stopping position usually behind the stop line, before the sidewalk or at the edge where the two roads meet.
And if you can’t see, then you creep out and treat it as a yield until you can see when the way is clear then we proceed.
Two-way intersection, we’re going to turn left.

We’re stopped in the queue.
For the purposes of your drivers test and to keep yourself safe, stop back so you can see the tires of the vehicle in front of you making clear contact with the pavement.
I come up here, stop line, you can barely see it ’cause it’s winter time.
I’ve stopped before the crosswalk or sidewalk and the way is clear and I can proceed.
Lots of head movement, lots of scanning.
And I have a vehicle behind me as you can see that it’s tailgating me because I’m doing the speed limit and that’s going to happen to you while you’re on your driver’s test.
Because for the purposes of your driver’s test you have to drive the posted speed limit.

And when you drive the posted speed limit and you’re on a two-lane road oftentimes other vehicles are going to tailgate you.
So the other vehicle arrived first, that’s why they went on the left-hand turn and they were considerably in front of me.
So they went first and then I got the vehicle stopped and then I proceeded with my right hand turn after I came to a complete stop behind the stop line.
And the other thing is because that vehicle behind me was tailgating me, when I came up there, I was looking in the center mirror to make sure that that vehicle behind me was coming to a stop.
Because I knew previously as they said that they were tailgating me and because they were tailgating me, I wanted to make sure that in fact, they were not going to park in my trunk when I came to a stop at the intersection there.
All intersections that are three-way stops, four-way stops or all way stops all have the same rules that apply as they do for a four-way stop.
Have a great day.
Bye now.