Learn how to avoid hazards on the roadway so you don’t crash – watch the video.
How to Read Hazard Obstruction Signs So You Don’t Crash
Closed Caption
Hi there Smart Drivers.
Rick, with Smart Drive Test, talking to you today about: The hazard obstruction sign.
This is video #13 in the VEDA, Video Every Day in April, series.
Stick around, we’ll be right back with that information.
Hi there Smart Drivers, welcome back, talking to you today about: The hazard obstruction sign, probably the most prolific sign on our roadways.
Now, if you’re new to Smart Drive Test, Smart Drive Test helps new drivers get a license, veteran drivers to remain crash free, and CDL drivers to start a career as a truck or bus driver.
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Grumpy Ole’ Driving Instructor
Now, some years ago, when I worked towards becoming a driving instructor, I got my school bus license in the province of Ontario, and as part of getting your school bus license, you had to take a Defensive driving course.
Well, at that time I’ve been driving truck for more or less than a decade, and I thought to myself “Well, how difficult can this be?”
So, I gussy myself into the classroom at Fanshawe College, and the elderly instructor comes into the classroom, grabs a piece of chalk, and scribbles on the board:
“Name the four signs that warn us of hazards and obstructions on the roadway.”
And of course, myself, like others in the classroom, was stumped.
The Answer
And, the answer to the question was: The three hazard obstruction signs, and construction signs.
But, today, we’re just going to talk about the hazard obstruction sign.
The one behind me here, you can see, tells you to pass on either the left or right.
This one tells you to pass on the left.
And this one tells you to pass on the right.
Most Prolific Signs on the Roadway
These are the most prolific signs on our roadway, and warn you of hazards or obstructions.
They’re on:
- the end of bridge abutments;
- concrete islands;
- and any other obstruction that you could potentially strike on the roadway.
How to Know on Which Side to Pass
And the way that you tell which side to pass on is take a kettle of water, and pour it on the sign, and whichever way it runs off the hash marks, that’s the side on which you pass the obstruction on the roadway.
You’ll see these everywhere
And now that I pointed it out to you, you’re gonna see them everywhere on the roadway.
I’m Rick, with Smart Drive Test.
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Thanks very much for watching.
Good luck on your road test.
And remember: Pick the best answer, not necessarily the right answer.
Have a great day!