Learn the secrets to staying warm when working in extreme winter cold.
Chose Winter Outfits to Work in Extreme Cold
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– Hi there smart drivers.
Rick with Smart Drive Test.
Talking to you today about warm winter wear.
This is for anybody who’s going to be freezing their huckleberries off in Twig, Minnesota, Alaska, or Northern Canada, working as a truck driver, or maybe as a bus driver.
Stick around.
We’ll be right back with that information.
Hi there Smart drivers.
Rick with Smart Drive Test.
Talking to you today about warm winter wear.
The Golden Rules of Dressing for Cold Winter Weather
Two golden rules of working in sub-zero temperatures.
First of all, make sure you have lots of layers on because you can take it off.
And if you don’t have it, you can’t put it back on.
The next one is you need to stay warm.
Not try to get warm after you’ve got cold because if you get cold and try to get warm, the chances of that happening are nigh impossible.
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Now, minimum three layers when you’re dressing for sub-zero temperatures and I’m talking – 20° degrees Celsius or anything below zero degrees Fahrenheit, it is going to be super cold.
If you are working outside, strapping down loads, moving trailers around, and those types of things and you want to make sure you have a lot of clothing on.
The First Layer of Clothing is Your Most Important
The first layer is going to be your socks and your thermal underwear, long Johns and a thermal shirt.
A t-shirt to work in a pinch.
But this is the most important layer because it’s going to whisk the perspiration away from your body.
If you start sweating a lot and that perspiration doesn’t get away from your body, that’s what causes you to get cold is because the water gets cold and it freezes next to your body.
So, invest in thermal underwear if you don’t invest in anything else.
Second Layer of Clothing
The next layer of pants, shirt, here you don’t want a scarf because it could endanger you and get wrapped up into things and whatnot.
Fourth layer is going to be a fleece, a jacket, snow pants maybe another pair of socks—a pair of …a pair wool socks, and mitts.
Mitts Are Better Than Gloves
And I have to wear mitts.
Gloves don’t work for me.
And as you can see here, I have an outer shell mitt.
And then I have an inner mitten that the piece flips over.
Which works really well for me.
My hands get really cold and I find that gloves don’t work for me.
So those mitts work really well.
Your Top Layers Are Going to Break the Wind
Maybe a ski jacket underneath, and then the outer layer.
This shell has to be windproof and it has to be waterproof because if you’re throwing chains on a truck, you’re going to be under there.
It’s going to be crap dripping off onto you.
So you want it waterproof.
And you want it windproof because if the wind is blowing, it’s going to cut right through you.
And that again is what’s going to make you cold.
So you want to wear an outer shell that is going to keep you warm.
Ways to Save Money on Winter Wear
Now, some of this unfortunately is going to run into a fair bit of money for you, but invest in good clothing.
Some of this I’ve built up over the years.
Camping, and canoeing and working outside, and those types of things.
You know, good winter boots are going to cost you 200 bucks at least.
Thermal coveralls are going to cost you 2 or $300.
So think about those things.
Maybe you can pick some of this stuff up at a second-hand shop, or you can buy it online.
Lots of, you know, local eBay and Craigslist and those types of things.
Chemical Heat Packs Will Warm Your Heart
And then finally, if you get really cold and you’re working in super sub-zero temperatures, you want to get some of those chemical heat packets that you can put in your boots as well, and in your mitts and gloves and keep your hands to the air extremities warm.
But you want to have lots of layers on your torso.
And again, just to reiterate, lots of layers because you can take it off.
You can’t put it back on if you don’t have it.
And then finally, don’t try and get warm after you’ve been cold and that all that’s going to help you out and keep you warm in sub-zero temperatures.
Balaclava’s Aren’t Just for Robbing Banks
And again, ski goggles.
I know that, you know, maybe that seems like an expense.
But if the wind is howling and the snow is blowing and it’s cutting into your face and it’s sub-zero temperatures, -30°C, -40°C (-22°F to -40°F).
You don’t want any of your skin exposed because you’ll risk getting frostbite and you don’t want to get frostbite because you’ll you could potentially end up in the hospital and those types of things.
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Have a great day.
Bye now.