The “Do Not Enter” sign is a regulatory sign and must be obeyed to pass your driver’s test.

“Do Not Enter Sign” Where it is Found and its Meaning

Updated November 2020

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Hi there smart drivers, Rick with Smart Drive Test talking to you today about the “Do Not Enter” sign. The “do not enter” sign is a regulatory sign, which means that it must be obeyed.

Do Not Enter road signs can be found in several locations. Along one-way streets and off-ramps to freeways are just some of the locations.

Purpose of Do Not Enter

It is to indicate that you are often going to encounter opposing traffic. So in other words, there’s going to be traffic coming at you if you enter contrary to this “do not enter” sign.

This “do not enter” sign is at the parking lot of the local high school and they’re trying to direct traffic in one direction through the parking lot to facilitate dropping off students at a much quicker pace.

One-Way Streets

Most of the time you’re going to find the “do not enter” signs at one-way streets, on-ramps to freeways, and often it’s in combination with this sign: “wrong way”, which means that you’re definitely gonna be encountering opposing traffic – often at a high-speed.


How to Handle Slip Lanes Correctly

These do not enter signs behind me are on the opposite side of an off-ramp off the highway here. So if you end up on the other side of the road, which is going to be unusual, because as I said they’re on the other side of the road in the wrong lane of traffic.

Highways – Keep Your Wits About You

But they’re there to warn you that if you go out there you’re going to be in opposing lane of traffic traveling at a very high speed.

So many times these “do not enter” signs are posted at the entrance of off-ramps so that you don’t confuse that and end up out there mistakenly facing on-coming traffic and risking a head-on collision.

Head-On Crashes

And as we know, the head-on collision is one of the most deadly. So make sure that you obey these signs and do not enter if it says “do not enter” or if it’s accompanied by the “wrong way” sign.

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I’m Rick with Smart Drive Test. Thanks very much for watching. If you like what you see here share, subscribe, leave a comment down in the comment section. All of that helps us out.

As well, make sure you check out the cards up here in the corner here to more videos that will help you be successful on your road test.The Defensive Driving Course teaches you the different types of crashes and strategies to avoid these.Good luck on your road test and remember pick the best answer not necessarily the right answer. Have a great day. Bye now.