You’re sitting at a traffic light. You’re up close and tight to the vehicle in front, like the other drivers in the line. And you’re the last vehicle.

You glance in the mirror and see a vehicle approaching…way too fast!

Unfortunately, because you’re too close to the vehicles in front, you don’t have an escape. You brace for impact. However, the vehicle isn’t designed to protect you in the event of being rear-ended.

You just experienced your first rear-end collision!

And there wasn’t anything you could do about it…or was there? 

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By focusing on the driver and the fundamentals of driving a vehicle, this course introduces drivers to the basic techniques of defensive driving.


• beginners wanting an introduction to defensive driving;

• experienced drivers looking for a refresher;

• and all drivers in between that want to know the inherent risks of driving, and implement strategies to be safe.

Smart Defensive Driving reduces the risk of drivers being involved in a crash.

 If you are not completely satisfied with the Defensive Driving Course we will refund you money in 90-days - no question!  

90-Day Guarantee

To prove my confidence in the value of this online driving course, I am offering a 90-day, money back, satisfaction guarantee. Just contact me with your order information within 90 days of your purchase. That’s it!

There’s no hidden small print. If you are unsatisfied with with this course for any reason whatsoever, you will get a refund



 Action Steps


 Avoid Common Crashes  18:37  Practice Questions & Glossary  √
 Backing & Reversing Safely  12:39  Suggested Advanced Driving Videos  √
 Know Your Intersections & Turn Correctly  14:41  Defensive Driving Signs  √
 How to See at Night & in Inclement Weather  14:42  Winter Driving Checklist  √
 Don’t Be A Distracted, Drowsy & Debilitated Drivers  17:08  Contract For Life Guarantees a Ride Home  √
 Get to Your Unknown Destination with Route Planning & Navigation  12:18 You Can’t Get There From Here  √
TOTAL :: 6 VIDEOS  1hr 30min    


How the Course is Structured


Each section is comprised of individual video lessons. Some lessons also include links to additional resources that are mentioned in the video.

Action Steps

After watching each video lesson, there are several action steps for you to take to help you execute what was taught in the lesson.


Most lessons include a quiz you must pass before you can move on to the next lesson. These quizzes are automatically graded and ensure that you understand the information that’s being shared.


Lorena Cuellar

Hi thank you, your videos are great and helped me out a ton! I passed in Westminster, California ? I plan on driving to the San Diego Safari Park to celebrate ?

Gabriella Roman

Night driving is like driving on a different planet, especially when the road markings are worn and too hard to make out!

Hi Gabriella Roman – thank you for your brilliant & apropos comment. If it’s okay, I’m going to borrow that analogy- it’s perfect! And you are right….if the road markings are faded, the task of night driving is even more challenging! All the best, Cheers Rick

Smart Drive Test of course! Thanks so much for helping so many of us be better and more confident drivers!

Carpe Diem

Your teaching methodology is very good. First you explain every step, then you demonstrate, adding the bonus of an overall review of the complete manoeuvre at the end. Great for all types of learning styles. Thank you! 

 Frequently Asked Questions

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Is the course guaranteed?


The course is 100% guaranteed. If you complete the course within 60 days and take your road test and don’t pass, I will refund your money.


Why should I buy this course when I can get the information for free on the internet?

Much of the information provided on the internet is unreliable.

Rick August, PhD has been a driving instructor for more than twenty years (CLICK to see biography) . Also, he has been both a truck and bus driver. The information presented here to remain crash-free & pass your road test will put you on the road to being both a safe and “smart driver.”

Most of the information presented on the internet is people that have read the driver’s manual and provided you with some questions and courses based on knowledge written by bureaucrats. The information presented in the “Defensive Driving Course” is written from the perspective of someone who has:

1) International driving experience (Canada, United States, UK, Europe, Australia);

2) CDL driving experience (truck & bus);

3) Commercial & Passenger Vehicle Driving Instructor experience.

Finally, Dr. August has more than ten years teaching experience. The information is presented in simple, easy to use format. This “straight to the point” style allows you to understand and incorporate the knowledge thus ensuring your success.

This method provides the easiest and most systematic way to drive defensively, remain crash-free, and reduce your stress while driving.

What information is covered in the course?

It is a complete course that provides information, skills and techniques that will help you to remain crash-free during your driving career.

Included are the following:

Glossary providing definitions for all the terms you’ll encounter when driving.

Practice Driving Tests

Test Your Driving Knowledge


Provides definitions for driving manoeuvres, driving techniques and road infrastructure.


1) Common Crashes

2) Backing

3) Intersections & Turning

4) Night & Inclement Weather Driving

5) Distracted, Drowsy & Debilitated Drivers

6) Route Planning & Navigation


° Crash Information & Reporting

° Insurance Crash Report

° Legal Crash Report

° 11 Defensive Driving Signs

° Contract For Live – Don’t Drive Intoxicated

° Winter Driving Checklist

° Trailering Checklist

Bonus Material

1) How to Drive a Manual Car

2) How to Drive Safely on Snow and Ice

3) How to Pull a Trailer

Final Quiz with Certificate

15 Multiple Choice Questions – 80% to pass the course

Will this course work for my state, province, or country?


All measurements for driving are in both imperial (MPH) and metric (KPH).

Driving is universal. To drive defensively, there are 4 fundamental components in which you must manage:

1) speed management

2) space management

3) communication

4) observation

To drive defensively you must have due care and control of the vehicle while driving. This course teaches you the information, skills and techniques that you can put in place that will develop defensive driving techniques for a lifetime.

And because road signs are universal, there are minor differences between states and countries.

 Will this course work if I drive on the left side of the road?


° All the principles and techniques for driving on the right side of the road and the left side of the road are the same.

° When driving on the right side of the road, the techniques for left hand turns are the same as the techniques for right-hand turns when driving on the left side of the road.

° All the slow-speed manoeuvres are the same for defensive driving and a road test regardless of what side of the road you drive on.

° The road signs, signals and markings are the same, with only minor differences.

Can I ask questions?


Included in your purchase of the course is complete access to Rick August, PhD. You can email questions to: [email protected] and your questions will be answered within 24 hours.

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