4 Must Have Skills to Pass Your Driver’s Test
4 Must Have Skills to Pass First Time!! 4 Must Have Skills to Pass Your Driver’s Test Closed Caption Introduction But for the purposes of passing your driver’s test, you need to have four basic components in place. SPACE MANAGEMENT So the first thing,...
5 Reasons To Take Your Driving Test in the Winter
Believe it or NOT – driving tests are easier in the winter. Closed Caption Introduction It’s probably too early to talk about winter and driving tests. But in a few weeks it’s going to be like this [SNAPS FINGERS]. Yes snow on the ground. And many...
Could You Pass a Driver’s Test? Probably NOT
I asked smart driver over on the Smart Drive Test YouTube channel if they thought they could pass an on-road driver’s test. Just slightly more than 1/3 of smart driver’s answered the question honestly and accurately. Of the 2/3 of smart drivers that...The Secrets to Pass Your Driver’s Test First Time
No where in any driving manual are these driving test secrets. The Secrets to Pass Your Driver’s Test First Time Closed Caption CHAPTERS 00:00 – The Secrets to Pass Your Driver’s Test First Time00:16 – Passing Your Learner’s Permit01:06 –...