Release the brake and throttle and steer where you want to go to recover from a skid.
How to Brake on Ice in the Winter & Maintain Traction
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Hi there smart drivers.
Rick with Smart Drive Test talking about skid recovery on snow.
Stick around we’ll be right back with that information.
Hi there smart drivers, welcome back.
Rick with Smart Drive Test talking to you today about skid recovery on snow and ice.
And as you’ll see here in the footage, one of the vehicles did not recover from the skid.
Fortunately it wasn’t fatal and there was a crash that resulted from that.
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So skid recovery on snow and ice.
We’re gonna head over to the computer here and we’ll give you some information about how to stay safe when the temperature is around freezing and there’s a bit of snow and ice on the roadway.
Less Dangerous on Major Roads
So I’m just looking down the road here.
I’m not going very fast as you can see in the dashcam, I’m doing less than 50 kilometers an hour; 30 miles an hour.
The road has been well sanded, but obviously there’s a crash down here somewhere.
You can see the vehicle.
It’s upside down in the ditch on the right here.
You probably can’t see it in the dashcam.
It’s in front of the the big truck here.
Many drivers are under the false impression that when they’re on major roads and there’s a bit of snow on the road that it is dangerous.
And sometimes it can be.
But often, these are well-maintained as opposed to these residential roads when it starts to snow.
Residential Road Require More Driving Care
These are one of the last to get sanded or salted.
And this roadway goes down to a roundabout on a hill.
It became extremely dangerous when the temperature dropped to around zero.
Get Off the Brakes & Steer
Now watch the car under the arrow here that fortunately loses control, but is not involved in a a crash because the driver was going slow enough and there wasn’t any other traffic.
So the driver gets the vehicle straightened around and comes back down the hill without incident with just a little bit of lesson.
But what happened was the driver held the brakes on.
And when the driver held the brakes on, the back end of the vehicle lifted up shifting the weight to the front.
The driver continued to hold the brakes applied and lost control as vehicle and skidded going downhill.
Head for the Shoulder & Steer to Gain Traction
Now you can see the van up at the back there that kind of loses control a little bit coming down the hill.
Many of the cars here are going in on to the shoulder of the road there.
You can see that van right out into the snow to work to get traction and maintain control of the vehicle and be able to brake as they’re coming down the hill towards the roundabout where they have to slow or stop to enter the roundabout.
More Slippery When the Temperature Is Near Freezing
And that’s one of the techniques that you can use when the temperature is around freezing and there’s a lot of precipitation.
And what happens when the temperature is around zero (32°F) you get a layer of water on top of the ice which makes it even more slippery during these periods of precipitation when you get a lot of snow.
Like wet snow coming down the roadway.
So know that residential areas are gonna often catch you out in terms of having a skid when you’re driving.
So thanks very much for watching.
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