Believe it or NOT – driving tests are easier in the winter.

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It’s probably too early to talk about winter and driving tests.

But in a few weeks it’s going to be like this [SNAPS FINGERS].

Yes snow on the ground.

And many “fraidy” cats and others are thinking about postponing their tests until next summer.

Most of the time in the winter, roads are clear and well maintained.

Don’t postpone your test for six to eight months.

Get your driver’s test in the wintertime; get your license.

And I’m going to give you five reasons why you should do that.

The Winter Driving Test is NOT Exact

Reason number one.

The test in the winter time is easier.

You don’t have to be exact in where you get the vehicle.

It doesn’t have to be between the lines when you back into a parking space; it doesn’t have to be six to eight inches from the curb when you parallel park; and you don’t have to stop at the correct stopping position at stop sign and other controlled intersections.

Have more than half a tank of fuel for driving in the winter when there's a possibility of snow and ice.Have more than half a tank of fuel for driving in the winter when there’s a possibility of snow and ice.

You just have to stop before the sidewalk, creep out until you can see and then proceed.

The last reason why the test is easier in the winter time is that there are fewer vulnerable road users in the winter time: less pedestrians and less cyclists.

There might be the odd one but not very many: kids on scooters and skate boards and those types of things.

So there’s less traffic in the winter time because all the fraidy cats stayed home.

And the goofy people who don’t like driving in the wintertime because they’re terrified.

Yes, people are more terrified of driving on ice and snow.

More so than they are of driving in hurricanes, tornadoes, and forest fires, which you know is a bit surprising but there we go.

In the winter there are fewer vulnerable road users (pedestrians, e-scooters & cyclists) to contend with when driving.In the winter there are fewer vulnerable road users (pedestrians, e-scooters & cyclists) to contend with when driving.

You Will Develop a Higher Driving Skill Set

Reason number two.

You will be a safer smarter driver with a higher skill set because of ice and snow.

The vehicle is going to give a little bit when you brake or when you steer.

You’re going to understand that braking and steering are two separate actions when you’re driving on ice and snow.

You’re going to learn UNDERSTEER: when you turn the steering wheel and it continues to go straight.

And you’re going to understand OVERSTEER: when you kick the brakes or the accelerator and the back end starts to move around.

All vehicles are all-, 4- or front-wheel drive and provide great traction on snow and ice.All vehicles are all-, 4- or front-wheel drive and provide great traction on snow and ice.

And how to get your foot off the accelerator and off the brake to steer it and get it straight.

So you are going to have a higher skill level and a mastery of the primary controls:

• the steering wheel,

• the accelerator or the gas pedal

• and the brake.

You will be a safer smarter driver with a higher skill set by taking your driving test in the winter time and learning how to drive at that time of the year.

Roads are Going to Be Just Fine

Reason number three for taking your driver’s test in the winter time.

The roads are going to be clear.

It only snows about two percent of the time.

Even during snowfalls, main roads are well salted and sanded.Even during snowfalls, main roads are well salted and sanded.

Most of the snow that you’re going to see in the wintertime is accumulative.

It snowed one day and it hasn’t snowed for a couple of weeks.

And then it’s going to snow again.

All the main roads are going to be well maintained: salted and sanded.

And the majority of your driver’s test takes place on main roads.

You get into the residential areas they may not be as well maintained.

There may be some snow and ice.

But very little of your driving test actually takes place in this area.

So, roads are going to be good, weather is going to be good.

And if it is bad or there is a blizzard, authorities will postpone your test and schedule for another day.

If roads are bad and there is a blizzard, authorities will reschedule your driver's test.If roads are bad and there is a blizzard, authorities will reschedule your driver’s test.

Know that most of the time in the winter time the roadways are going to look like this, clear with good conditions and good traction.

Finally, all vehicles in this day-and-age are front-wheel drive, all-wheel drive, and four-wheel drive.

There are very few vehicles that do not have good traction in the winter time.

Driving Examiners Are More Relaxed in the Winter

Reason number four.

Driving examiners are less stressed in the winter time.

Driving examiners are less stressed in the winter.Driving examiners are less stressed in the winter.

And because they’re less stressed and have fewer tests to do because all the goofy people stayed home.

So, you are going to get some leniency; you’re going to get a bit of discretion on the part of the examiners.

If you make a few mistakes, they’re probably not going to mark that down in the winter time.

As well, they’re going to give you kudos for learning how to drive in the winter time and taking your driver’s test in the winter time.

Driving examiners are less stressed and less likely to be OGRES in the winter time.

Easier to Get a Driving Test Appointment in the Winter

Reason number five.

You’re more likely to get a test date quicker in the winter time.

Large cities like Dallas, TX, Los Angeles, CA, Chicago, IL, New York, NY are very booked up in the summertime because that’s when most of the students take their driver’s test.

It is easier to get a driver's test appointment in the winter - especially in the cities.It is easier to get a driver’s test appointment in the winter – especially in the cities.

You’re more likely to get a driver’s test in the winter time because again all the GOOFY people stay home.

Take your driver’s test in the in the winter time.

Smart Points to Remember

Five reasons that you should:

#1) it’s easier;

#2) yes indeed it is easier, the weather’s going to be clear;

#3) you’re going to develop a better skill; set;

#4) driving examiners are less stressed;

#5) and you’re going to get a test date.

And no, you’re not going to DIE driving in the winter time.

Contrary to all the myths out there about how terrible it is to drive in the winter time.

Almost all the time in the winter, roads are in good condition and you can drive well.Almost all the time in the winter, roads are in good condition and you can drive well.

The majority of the time, roads are clear, weather is good, and if the weather is bad authorities will reschedule your test.

Take your driving test in the winter time, get your license.

Don’t postpone it till next spring.

And remember, pick the best answer not necessarily the right answer.

Have a great day.

Bye now.

5 Reasons To Take Your Driving Test in the Winter

See this video for full details on skills and techniques to PASS your driver’s test first time in the winter:

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