Smart Driver



SmichelleR256 Passed my road test on Tuesday and went and picked up my temporary license today! All your videos helped me out so much!
  Hi SmichelleR256 – that is a awesome news; what a great Christmas present. Thank you for letting us know, and you are most welcome. I’m sure you are going to have a big celebration, and it is well deserved owing to your practice. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. Enjoy your newly earned freedom. All the best, Cheers Rick ?  
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Janice Walker  thanks God I pass my road test a week ago and I was not really practicing I memorize the procedures I fail 6 times before and I prayed people just relax .
  Hi Janice Walker – that is a awesome news. Thank you for letting us know, and you are most welcome. I’m sure you had a big celebration. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. Enjoy your newly earned freedom. All the best, Cheers Rick ?  
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Hey rick just passed my road test thank you for all the videos.
Hi I Victor U – that is awesome news! Thanks so much for letting us know. I’m sure you have a big celebration planned & it is well deserved! All the best with your newly earned freedom. If there’s anything further we can do drop us a note. All the best, Cheers Rick
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daveveda20 binged watching your videos, tomorrow is my test so I’m nervous however I’m determined to pass.
  Hi daveveda20 – thanks for your comment. Good luck on your road test. And remember to breath – you’re going to do awesome. Let us know how it turns out. All the best, Cheers Rick  
  Smart Drive Test I passed! Thanks for the informative videos . you’re set apart from the rest, your videos left no room for error, giving me a high chance of passing. An must I say a galore of options. any questions I needed explained or instructions you made it so understandable ,Once again thank you.  
  Hi daveveda20 – that is a awesome news; what a great Christmas present. Thank you for letting us know, and your exemplary compliment. I’m sure you are going to have a big celebration, and it is well deserved owing to your overcoming nerves. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. Enjoy your newly earned freedom. All the best, Cheers Rick ?  
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April’s Crazy Life  My test for my G is wed close to noon I have been driving for a few years but I did get a teacher to help if I needed someone help in areas I have been trying to get out as much as I can the test is in a city and I live in town and there has been a lot of snow but i am trying my best to get a lot of practice in I know I will do well but I bad nervous so I hope that goes away.  
  Hi April’s Crazy Life – apologies for the late response. How did the road test turn out? It sounds like you had most everything in place for success!? All the best, Cheers Rick  
  Hi April’s Crazy Life – that is a awesome news. Thank you for letting us know, and you are most welcome. I’m sure you had a big celebration, and it is well deserved owing to your study. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. Enjoy your full “G” there in Ontario. All the best, Cheers Rick ?  
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Dylan Pancake I passed Rick, I passed. Wasn’t easy, was more nervous than I have ever been, but Rick buddy, I PASSED!!! Only thing is I can’t see my score on my sheet, I think it got cut off, do you know how it’s graded because I think I looked over and seen a 92 and on my sheet there is 8 things marked wrong, so idk, could I call them? thanks anyway though Rick so glad it’s over.
  Dylan Pancake – that is a stellar news my friend!! Thank you for letting us know, and you are most welcome. I’m sure you are going to have an enormous celebration, and it is well deserved owing to your overcoming nerves and great performance. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. Enjoy your newly earned freedom. All the best, Cheers Rick ?  
  Thank you very much Rick, could you let me know if you know what to do for that question up above^^ about my score? thank you very much again, so relieved  
Hi Dylan Pancake – apologies for the late response. Did you find someone to interpret your score sheet for you? 8 ticks and a score of 92 sounds about right. All the best, Cheers Rick
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