Muhammad Azeem Qureshi Hello Rick, Thank you very much for all your videos on passing the road test in Canada. I passed mine today and got a full class-5 license. What I like about you is that you are a great teacher. Most of the time it is important that how much you know, but for teachers, it is more important that how much you can teach to your students and how much knowledge you can transfer to your students and honestly, you are great with this skill. You are the best instructor / teacher in driving lessons I have ever seen.
  Hi Muhammad Azeem Qureshi – that is a awesome news. Thank you for letting us know. And thank you for your rich, inspiring and thoughtful words. I’m sure you had a big celebration, and it is well deserved. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. Enjoy your newly earned freedom. All the best, Cheers Rick  
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Racheal Mutema thank you l passed my test today
  Hi Racheal – that is a awesome news. Thank you for letting us know, and you are most welcome. I’m sure you had a big celebration, and it is well deserved. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. Enjoy your newly earned freedom. All the best, Cheers Rick  
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xKaMuFLaUgeKiSx U got me to pass my test. U just gained one more sub
  Hi xKaMuFLaUgeKiSx – that is a awesome news. Thank you for letting us know, and for the sub. I’m sure you had a big celebration, and it is well deserved. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. Enjoy your newly earned freedom. All the best, Cheers Rick  
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Clinton Moore I have my test in two hours. I’m trying so hard to remain calm but I’m still pretty nervous. I hope your videos help me pass once 🙂
  Hi Clinton – thanks for your comment. Keep breathing my friend – just breath! Good luck on your road test. Let us know how it turns out. All the best, Cheers Rick  
  @Smart Drive Test, I passed my road test. Thank you very much Rick, I watched a lot of your videos and they were really helpful. I lost some few points but I’m so glad I passed.  
  Hi Clinton – that is a awesome news. Thank you for letting us know, and you are most welcome. I’m sure you had a big celebration, and it is well deserved. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. Enjoy your newly earned freedom. All the best, Cheers Rick  
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Noni Halim
Hi Rick, Thank you so much for your videos, especially the ones about how to park up hill. Because of all your videos they helped me understand the rules and regulations to drive in Canada. Today I passed and got my class 5 licence. Thank You.
  Hi Noni – that is a awesome news. Thank you for letting us know. I’m sure you had a big celebration, and it is well deserved owing to your learning to drive in a different country. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. Enjoy your newly earned freedom. All the best, Cheers Rick  
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Lesa Bryant Just passed my Road test… yay… you have been very helpful
  Hi Lesa – that is a awesome news. Thank you for letting us know and for your awesome words. I’m sure you had a big celebration, and it is well deserved. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. Enjoy your newly earned freedom where you are. All the best, Cheers Rick  
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 Velvet Rose  Your tips advices are amazing ..thank you…thankfully I passed my driving test??…I was really good overall but the examiner told me I am a little bit slow on the curves?  
  Hi Velvet – that is a awesome news. Thank you for letting us know, and for your compliment. I’m sure you had a big celebration, and it is well deserved. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. Enjoy your newly earned freedom, and enjoy those curves. All the best, Cheers Rick  
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morgan mitchell Thanks for all the information ! Great videos ! Passed my road test a few days ago first try
  Hi Morgan – that is a awesome news. Thank you for letting us know, and you are most welcome. I’m sure you had a big celebration, and it is well deserved. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. Enjoy your newly earned freedom. All the best, Cheers Rick  
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Silly Goose I really like how much time you out into the YouTube channel, to teach people driving! I passed my g2 3 weeks ago first try, your videos have definitely helped me a lot. Still trying to get used to driving alone, by gradually working my way up with longer distances
  Hi Silly Goose – that is a awesome news. Thank you for letting us know, and for your awesome sentiment about YouTube. I’m sure you had a big celebration, and it is well deserved. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. Enjoy your newly earned freedom; you’re doing the right thing – bit by bit. All the best, Cheers Rick  
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Jenifer Orona
Just passed my drivers test today!??
Hi Jenifer – that is a awesome news. Thank you for letting us know. I’m sure you had a big celebration, and it is well deserved. If there is anything further we can do, drop us a note. Always happy to help. Enjoy your newly earned freedom. All the best, Cheers Rick
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